American Square Dances of The West
& Southwest - online instruction book

With Calls, instructions, diagrams, steps & sheet music

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of the West and Southwest
Introductory Call Eight
Square your sets with a smile on your face. Everybody dance, right in your place.
Honor your Partners - and the
Lady on your left, -          -
All hands up and circle left.
Circle left half-way 'round, now
Back to the right, you're going wrong, the
Ladies in the lead and the gents come along.
Swing your Partners in the hall,
All four gents listen to the call
All around your Left Hand La-
-dy,              -
See-saw your pretty little Taw, and
Swing on the Corner with your left hand, a
Left Hand Swing, a Left Allemande,
Right to your Partner, Right and Left Grand.
Meet your Partner around the ring with a
Once and a Half and the Elbow Swing.
Once and a Half and don't be ashamed,
Treat "em all alike, boys, treat 'em aU the same,
With a Once and a Half, swing them all,
Slim ones, fat ones, short ones, tali
Swing the next one on the fly with a
Once and a Half, now don't be shy,
Chicken on a fence post, 'possum on a rail,
Meet your Honey and everybody sail.
Promenade your Partners all,
Promenade that old corral, the
Long way around is the shortest way home,
Square your sets when you get home.
This is a long skty-four-measure introductory calL It should be used in dances which have a very short figure.